
Saturday 14 June 2014

Moto 360 Google watch based on Android Wear 2

Google to take aim at Apple’s HealthKit with ‘Google Fit’ at I/O


The tech industry is betting big on health and fitness. While Samsung unveiled the Sami platform last month and Apple recently announced theHealthKit at WWDC, Google also plans to launch a new heath service soon. According to a report by Forbes, some people related to the matter have revealed that Google plans to launch a health service dubbed Google Fit to collect and aggregate data from other fitness trackers and health-related apps.

mozilla smart phone

Mozilla cheapest smart phone

Mozilla plans to further intensify the low-budget smartphone war in India with its smartphone. According to a report by WSJ (paywall), the company plans to launch the Firefox OS -based smartphone priced as low as $25 – translating to around Rs 1,500 – in the Indian market.

Friday 13 June 2014


Facebook Is Now Sharing Your Browsing History With Advertisers
The new feature will let Facebook serve targeted ads to users, but users will have the right to opt out of this feature at anytime.

In the coming weeks, Facebook would start showing ads based on a user’s browsing history. The company had earlier used data from it’s “Like” button to target ads to its 1.3 billion users. What this means is that, if a user is browsing several websites for a TV or pair of shoes, the users would automatically start seeing ads in relation to his searches even if the user doesn’t “Like” the page. 

Cyber criminals take $10,000 a day from Apple users

Can afford to buy their own Apple gear now

The cyber criminals who hit on the wizard wheeze of targeting the faith based security system of Apple into a botnet are coining in $10,000 a day, according to anti-virus experts at Symantec.

The money is created by picking Google's pocket by hijacking advertising "clicks".Symantec said a component of the widespread Flashback virus targets Google search queries made using Chrome,Safari, or Firefox browsers and directs people to pages dictated by the hackers.

Thursday 12 June 2014

worldcup foot ball



Technological innovation can be as big a boon for sports as it can be for cheering fans. And the FIFA World Cup this year is all set to improve the football experience like never before.


It’s not clear that smart watches will ever make the leap from the tech hype cycle to the real world, but the devices will get at least one highly visible cameo on a particularly big stage. Referees at the World Cup this year will wear watches that will vibrate and display the word “GOAL” each time a ball crosses the goal line.FIFA has been discussing goal-line technology since the months following the 2010World Cup. That tournament saw England denied a score in a match against Germany even though the ball had clearly passed the goal line.